Barizilian Sugering service in tampa.jpeg

Brazilian Sugaring

Brazilian Sugaring

We are offering Brazilian sugaring in tampa. We use 100% organic sugaring paste and are dedicated to helping you feel amazing in your own skin.

What is Brazilian Sugaring ?

For women: Brazilian sugaring is a complete hair removal treatment for the bikini area. We make sure to remove every strand, from the front to the back, sides, and everything in between. Want a thin strip on top? That's still Brazilian!

For men, non-binary individuals, or those in transition: We've got you covered! Our Brazilian sugaring service removes all hair from the front, back, sides, and between the buttocks. Just like the other option, leaving a thin strip on top is still a Brazilian.

Why You Need a Brazilian Sugaring Session

Kind to Skin

Sugaring is much gentler than traditional waxing. This means fewer painful moments during the hair removal process and significantly less skin irritation afterward, making it suitable for sensitive skin.

Pure and Natural

The sugaring paste used is entirely organic, made from just sugar, lemon, and water. This ensures that no harmful chemicals come into contact with your skin, providing a safe and natural hair removal method.


Sugaring can keep your skin smooth and hair-free for up to four weeks. This long-lasting effect means fewer sessions are needed, saving you time and maintaining smooth skin longer.


From production to application, sugaring is environmentally friendly. It uses sustainable ingredients and practices, ensuring that your beauty routine is kind to the planet, reducing your ecological footprint.

Preparing for Brazilian Sugaring Session

Hair Length

Make sure your hair is around 1/8 inch long, about the size of a grain of rice. This length is perfect for the sugaring paste to stick to the hair effectively. It helps in achieving a smoother and more efficient hair removal process. Try not to trim too short or let it grow too long for the best results.


Stay hydrated and keep your skin moisturised in the days leading up to your appointment. Well-hydrated skin is more flexible and can handle the sugaring process better, lowering the risk of irritation. Drinking plenty of water and moisturising regularly supports overall skin health, making the experience more comfortable for you.

Aftercare Tips for Brazilian Sugaring

Cool Down

For the first 24 hours, avoid hot baths, saunas, and intense workouts. This helps to prevent irritation and keeps your skin calm and comfortable after your sugaring session.

Loose Clothing

Wear loose, breezy clothes that don’t chafe or rub against your skin. This helps reduce friction and irritation, allowing your skin to breathe and heal more comfortably.


Starting from the second day, make sure to moisturise and exfoliate your skin regularly. This helps keep your skin smooth and prevents ingrown hairs,

Glowmour Beauty Medispa

Exclusively uses Sweet & True Sugaring Co. Sugar Paste & Products

Do I Get to Clean Myself Before the Treatment?

Absolutely! We provide wipes in the bathroom and treatment rooms, so you can freshen up before we begin.

How to Prepare for Your First Brazilian Sugaring ?

Before your appointment, avoid removing hair (including shaving) for two weeks. The hair needs to be at least 1/4 inch long (about the length of a long grain of rice) for the sugar paste to grab it effectively. The paste wraps around the hair follicle and gently pulls it out, so it must be long enough. Additionally, don't exfoliate your skin 24 hours before your appointment and avoid using lotions or oils on the area on the day of your appointment.

What to Expect During the Appointment ?

You'll have complete privacy during your treatment. Each room is private, and only the esthetician and you will be present. We provide a towel for you to cover up with, and the esthetician will leave the room while you change, both before and after the treatment. Your comfort is our priority.

Will You See Everything?

Yes, a Brazilian involves removing hair from intimate areas. The sugar paste is sticky, so removing hair effectively requires no clothing in the area. We focus on keeping you comfortable, both physically and emotionally. If you're concerned about modesty, you might want to start with a deepline or bikini sugaring, which allows for more coverage during the treatment.

Will There Be Itching as the Hair Grows Back?

Usually, no. Since the hair is removed from the root, you won't experience the itching associated with shaved hair. When hair regrows after sugaring, it's sparser, softer, and finer, making it less itchy.

Can You Do a Brazilian at Home?

We don't recommend attempting a Brazilian at home. The skin in these areas is very sensitive, and improper technique can cause tears.

Why Is It Called a Brazilian?

The origin is debated. Some say it started with a group of sisters from Brazil who ran a waxing salon in NYC, while others believe it originated from the thong bikini bottoms popular in Rio. Either way, the term "Brazilian" is now widely recognized.

How Long Does a Brazilian Sugaring Last?

Hair typically stays gone for about two weeks. It starts to grow back more sparsely after that and usually takes 7-8 weeks to return to its original fullness.

What to Expect After Your First Brazilian at Sugar and Skin Spa

Your skin will be smooth and soft. As the hair regrows, it will be softer, finer, and sparser so we recommend exfoliating a couple of times a week to aid in helping the hair push through the skin

Can I Shower or Swim After?

Yes, you can shower. We recommend waiting 24 hours before swimming, working out, or engaging in sexual activity to prevent irritation in the open pores.

Any Funny Stories About Sugaring?

There are many, but one common occurrence is sugar paste getting flung across the room. It's pliable, and sometimes a little flick can send a blob flying. We always maintain high cleaning and sanitation standards.

Does Sugaring Become Comfortable Over Time?

It's not pain-free, but many clients say they get used to it, and it becomes less uncomfortable. The first time is usually the worst. As the hair grows back thinner and finer, maintenance appointments (recommended every 3 weeks) take about half the time of the initial session. You can take Motrin or Tylenol 30 minutes before your appointment to help with discomfort.

How Long Does a Brazilian Sugaring Take?

We schedule 30 to 45 minutes for an Brazilian and 30 minutes or less for maintenance.